Jan 7, 2010


The event planner team has decided on the Genting Trip. The price ticket is RM47 only (including to-and-fro bus tickets + Outdoor Themepark). However, please bring extra cash for your meals in Genting!

The date is 20 JAN (Wednesday) and we will be departing from Hentian Kajang at 9am. So please be there by 8am.

Question & Answer :

How to get there (Hentian Kajang)? just take any Rapid KL from UKM. LOL

How long will we be there? simple answer, depends on you. its up to you to decide when to get back to ukm. the last bus that will be departing from genting to hentian kajang is at 7pm!

Gentle reminder, please take control of your own safety in Genting! :D anyhooooo...CANT WAIT TO ENJOY!!!!!

1 comment:

SiR FaiZaL SiR-raBut said...

huhuhu... sedey nye xdapek ikot...