Dec 29, 2009

GGGE2153 Education Technology

Dear friends,

As you have been well informed, 25.12.09 is a public holiday. Thus Madam Rosseni has conducted our activities for the first lecture here online.

She has created the course outline in BM and will translate them into BI later if needed for the Set 2 group. The first activity need to be done in lecture #1 is to download the course outline, read through and understand what is expected from you in terms of the learning outcome, project assignments and exam.

As suggested by year one students, madam has created 8 groups of tutorials, 2 of them are for TESLians. Both or at least one of the tutorials will be be held on Friday mornings right after lecture (8-9 lecture ; 9-11am tutorial). One will be handled by herself, the other by Cik Aidah. Therefore, all tutorial group leaders need to submit their group names with suggested times available to the respective lecturer and cc: to madam. The respective lecturers will decide which time is best for them and you need to finalize that with them before the next lecture. Please contact them by e-mail or find them in their office (call them first) for further discussion.

Thank you. Please feel free to inquire about the course via this platform or email.

Tutors for Set 2:

1. Pn. Rosseni Din (1 group) ;Tel: 8921-6555, E-mel:

2. Major Mohd Jasmy Abdul Rahman (2 groups); E-mel: E-mel:

3. Dr. Arbaat Hassan (1 group); Tel: 8921-6286; E-mel:

4. Cik Aidah Abdul Karim (4 groups); Tel: 8921-6555, E-mel:

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