Jan 20, 2010

What a Wonderful Day!

On behalf of TESL Genting trip organizing team, i would like to say thank you very very very very much to all of you for participating in this wonderful trip. In fact, we believe that we have achieved our trip's objective - to strengthen the bond of friendship among us.

As we have known, this is our very first class outing and organized with our own man power. However, i do believe that throughout d trip we might have done some mistakes n unable to provide quality treatments. LOL. For example - 1. while we were on d way to outdoor theme park, we got lost in d hotel n headed to casino instead! 2. the weather - rainy. Thus, we want to apologize for any inconvenient.

But hey, do you guys had fun in Genting?? hahahahha.. So, it will be great if you all can give some feedback on our class trip. basically to help us to improve and come out with a better planning in future.:D

anyhooooooooooooo... thank you Tesliansssss!! have a good rest ya!

wif luv, Luke k.


SiR FaiZaL SiR-raBut said...

hahahaha!!! its okay luke!! i bet they all had a wonderful time.. (sbb pak dpt nek FLYING COASTER..hehehe)

u guys the best!! credits to all that have been working hard to ensure this xtvt wud go as plan..hehehe.. to those who get teddy bear's.... u guys just have the luck!! (down sbb xdpt) hahaha

farynaz said...

thanx to the organising team...we really had fun yesterday... =)