Jan 16, 2010

Teacher + Designer = Teachsigner

Teachsigner is a new noun that is introduced by MatGossip to represent a person who works as teacher and fashion designer at the same time. :D As u have seen here, these are few selection of photo that is an original art work by one of our classmate. So, do u all have any idea of this future Teachsigner that i'm talking about? :)

Incredible work ha. I bet some of us are still wondering who is this person. Sorry ya, I wont leaked out his/her identity in this blog. It is your task to find out this particular Teachsigner that has been hiding his/her talent from us.

To me, what i love about this Teachsigner drawing is that it looks more like Louis Vuitton and Ralph Lauren's design. very very very attractive! :) huhu.. now i'm looking forward for his/her next drawing. Who knows he can come out with more creative design that i could use it as reference for my future wife wedding dress. :P

1 comment:

kyra said...

mirul la tu..dia mmg..tp almost all of his design is sexy n racy..haha