Dec 18, 2009


I guess everyone has got their results for our first battle as future teacher....
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL COZ HAVE SUCCESFULLY MADE IT INTO THE NEXT SEM....(mmg la...kalo gagal pon, still leh teroskan kan?? bodo nie...) does everyone feels about their results?? satisfied?? not??feeling down??haaa....
ni yang PAK GOSSIP nak tegur sket certain kengkawan kite yang cam rase DOWN ngan result yg diperoleh... COME ON la... this is just a beginning of another 7 sem's to come...we still have a LONG way to just bare with it n just enjoy the 3 years n a hakf for US to achieve greater performance yeah??ok??so... tak yah nak rase down2 ni..motif??xde motif!! akhir kate, RINDU GILER KAT U OLS!!....


ticher ina said...

saye sedang fight tuk my result..
doakan i dpt change d grade 4 one of my subject..
ade ke slh isi gred...

luke ken said...

pejal buat post ni bunyi dia cuteeeee sgt...mantap giler uols!!! hahahahaha...

nyway, mmg tak puas hati kat result i nak reseat paper profesion perguruan tu... frust gitu...hahahaha..

pa2 pun, luv uols gitu.. :P

SiR FaiZaL SiR-raBut said...

hahahhaa... to insan misteri..
yeah ganbatte neh!! fight for it k?? we'll b praying 4 u dear!!

LUKE= hahahhaa...
thanx.. just want to do something hheheheh...

yeah!! luv uols!!
GTEW!! hahahha..
muah muah