Feb 2, 2010

ValenTiNe's month!! time to spread some loves??

hehehehe.. well people embrace urself!! get ready with some chocolates!! hehehe.. valentines is near!!
as far as i concern... some of us also da tunjuk belang in their llove story...
yeah guys!! u noe who m i talking about!! hehehe AFIQ KAJAI!!
**spotted..the tall guy in TESL has been takin people..dating n mingling KTAMS?? (tak klaz langsung, bawak r g KFC ke McD ke kan??) who is it?? well by ZAABAian..hurm.. wonder how the loves begin??(well, only he knows that) hhehe..

not only that!!!! another hot guy (hot kah?? tak kot..exxagerate je nie..) tak de la.. skang nie da makin pelik.. myb its just me.. but JOE is really something.. out of the blue.. TETIBE JE wat post kat blog dye utk CRUSH DYE!!! haaahh!!! sape xtekejot uols??? THE QUESTION IS.... WHO IS THE CRUSH??? agak2??? hehehehe.. well... may this upcoming VALENTINE will gives u guys more love.. especially the love from GOD.. rite??

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